Monday, August 18, 2008

School Starts Today...Hip Hip Hooray!!!!

O.K., so I'm a little excited! Just dropped 4 of the 5 off at school this morning! Couldn't stop singing...kept going back and forth between George Michael's "Freedom" and "Imagine me for you and you for happy together" to my dog Henry. I know it borders on tragic and sad but good comedies always do!

Alli was met by looks of " that Allison from the second grade?" since it has been that long since she has attended this school. Ryan seemed fine since he had a swimming party where he met lots of new classmates...yes, he did a cannon ball immediately to introduce himself (his father's child). Michael and Kalkidan went right in after a huge lecture in the car about not being disrespectful, not picking their nose & wiping it on the walls, listening and obeying and what will happen when they don't...(it was a rough Sunday at church with the volunteer teacher who was about in tears after watching them yesterday). Gracie is at home with me today as her first day starts tomorrow. She has Henry dressed and covered with a blanket as she is working hard to make him cereal in her play kitchen.

So what will I do, people keep asking me, with all this free time? It is actually just 2 days of freedom...just 12 hours a week....I'm sure I will find, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, purging the house of junk, yard, my sister's new baby, etc., etc., Actually, I'm most looking forward to having quality prayer times and maybe, just maybe, reading a book!


ellerbee eight said...

I've got one word for you... you lucky DOG. OK that was 3 words but still, I'm so jealous! Well I'm off to go homeschool the two children who already KNOW EVERY

Anonymous said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! The puppy and I hung out together all day today just trying to figure out how to do digital scrapbooking (me) and learn not to bite repairmen who come to tear the wood flooring out of our kitchen (pup)...and it was so RELAXING!

We took our middle child off his twice daily ritalin for the entire summer... He gained some much needed height and weight during his holiday from his medication, but, I have to admit that the start of school, signaling the end of his ritalin holiday almost had me throwing confetti! Yeah for school!!!!