Saturday, July 12, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We had an awesome time with friends this year to celebrate the fourth of July...actually it was the 5th but whose counting. We love these friends like family and it is so amazing to watch our kids growing up together. I was pregnant with Ry when we first met. How things have changed!


Lorilu said...

What a beautiful family!

The Meeuwsen Family said...

Pat and Susan,
I found you again! It's Roxanne from Oregon! It's so cool to see your family and how well you're all doing. I miss you! If I can figure out your e-mail from this, I'll send you a link to our blog! Otherwise, send us a line! We're a 'crazy' large family too, I'm sure we could share a laugh or two these days! Who would have guessed! Lots of love!!